The choice of the vegetation for a green roof is directly proportionate to the type of structure you want to build.
The type of plants is various; you have to pay attention to the species that don’t damage the whole waterproofing system, in addition to the climate. For this reason, it is necessary to contact experts, in order to get the best advises from the planning.
The roof garden has many realizations, according to the type of roofing, structure and its inclination. All the elements are fundamental for its realization, especially the membrane (BORSACOVER AV UV AB) that, with its characteristics, ensures an excellent waterproofing layer over time.
Some examples of plants:

  •  succulent plants: due to their nature, these kinds of plants retain the rain water, in order to release it during the summer and the drought. Their remarkable characteristic are the superficial roots; therefore, they don’t cause damage to the system. The market offers a wide range of species, so that you can give the right atmosphere to your green roof, keeping it pleasant and coloured all the year, for an amazing roofing;

  • grass: generally, for large surfaces such as shopping centers, parking, hospitals, etc., you can take into account (autochthonous) grass to realize a roofing. It is essential to initially consider the type of irrigation with some experts, in order to best safeguard your green roof for all the year, reducing at the least its maintenance.

  • culinary herbs: for a coloured and perfurmed garden, the culinary herbs are the best, to make it “peaceful”. Experts increasingly use them, because they don’t have exceptional growths, their roots aren’t strong and they withstand the drought. Moreover, in addition to the landscape aspect, the culinary herbs such as thymus, origanum, sage and rosemary, can be used to flavour your dishes, presenting your guests with the feeling to be in the country. At the end, some lavender in your roof garden will perfume the location and all around you will have a suggestive fascination…