From ancient times (such as, the Egyptians), the collection of water was the equivalent of survival of nature and so, of human being.

Over the years, the continuous weather changes have increased the desertification in all over the world, coming across real emergencies many times.

Therefore, it has become essential to collect the water in artificial basins.With the introduction of technology, hydraulic works have developed all over the world.

For the realization of hydraulic works, it is particularly necessary to take into consideration in advance the following general rules to select the most suitable membrane and thickness, such as:

  • study of the characteristics of the area/geology and geotechnics;
  • careful study of the conditions, which can influence the good functioning of the waterproofing system;
  • climate;
  • environment.

If you talk about artificial basins, the possible applications are as follows:

  •  firefighting basins;
  • basins for artificial snow;
  • water storages for wastewater treatment (constructed wetland);
  • irrigations basins;
  • canals;
  • water gardens.

Example of system



Borsa Industrie Plastiche s.r.l. produces different types of homogeneous (called BORSALEAF) and reinforced with polyester mesh membranes (called BORSACOVER) for several applications.

Depending on the use, it is important to choose the most suitable product.

All our products are in compliance with EU regulation n° 305/2011 and they are CE marked according to the requirements indicated in the ZA Annex of the harmonized European standards of reference EN 13361, EN 13362, EN 13492 and EN 13967.




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